• Sudject matter: historical financial statement 
  • Assurance and performance: summary of finding Agree-Upon Procedure

Independent accountant's report 


We havce performed the procedure enumerated below, which ware agreed to by the trustee, soley to assist you with respect to the clims of creditors of ABC company as December 31,20X1, set forth in the accompanying scheduals. the engament to apply agreed-upon procedures was engageted in accordance with standard estabilished by AICPA.the sufficiency of the procedures is solely the responsibility of specified users of the report. consequently we make no representation regarding the sufficiency of the procedure described below either for the purpose of which this report have been requested or for other purpose. 


(List of prodecures)





(summary of finding)


We were not engagted to , and did not perform an audit, the objective of which would be the expression of opinion on the specified element, account, or items. accordencly, we do not expess such a  opinion had we performed additional procedure, other matters might have come to our attetion that would have been reproted to you


the reported is intended solely for the use of the specitied users listed above and should not used by those who have not agreed to the procedures and taken responsibility of the sufficency of the procedures for thier purpose. 




'AICPA 성공 > Auditing' 카테고리의 다른 글

Management representation letter (AU-C580)  (0) 2021.10.07


Responsibility for fair presentation of financial statement

Reduce the prossibility of misunderstanding corcerning management's resposibility for the financial statmenet. 


SAS 19"management representations" requires auditor to obtain repersentation letter on every enagement. 

-> management refuse to furnish written representation letter constitutes a scope limitation => disclaimer(no alternative procedures) or Qualified opinion(Maybe) 


Management representation letter should be addressed from management (sgined CEO, CFO) to auditor, and dataed no eariler than auditor's report. (should be same date to audit report =Last date of fieldwork, responsibility cut-off date) and the letter should be signed by current management for all period reported upon, even if current management was not present during all periods. 


Representation letter as evidence complements other auditing procedures, but does not replace(substitute) substantive procedures desugned to support the assertion. 

=> the contents of representation letter have no effect on quantity and type of  working paper 


although written representation letter are not a substitute for other necessary audit procedures, but , in some cases, it is considered to provide addtional audit matters. For example, Mangement may provide intent they have debt scureties for holding to maturity and intent to discontinue a line of busniess(asset management have intent to do disposal)  



NO Materiality limitation exist for 

  • Management's responsibility for the financial statements  
  • The availability of financial records and minutes (available all evidence for the audit) 
  • Fraud invoiving Management( form employee to management, not only for MGT) 
  • Communications from regulatary agencies


repersentation will be tailored by enagementm below content should be involved 


F/S : 

  1. Management acknowledges its resposibility for the financial statement being prepared in conformity with GAAP 

Completeness for informantion:

  1. Availablebility for all financial records and related data
  2. Completeness to availability for all minutes of meeting of stockholders,directors
  3. Commication form regulatory agencies 

Recogination, Measure and Disclosure:

  1. Management's acknowledgement of its responsibility to design and implement programs and controls to prevent or detect fraud. 
  2. information concerning fraud or suspected fraud affecting the company
  3. Plans or intections that may affect carrying value or classfication of asset or liability 
  4. information about related-party tansactions and receviable or payables 
  5. Gurantee under  which the entity is contingently liable
  6. Violation or possible violations of laws who effects should be considered for disclosure or as basis for recording loss contingency, 
  7. Unasserted claims or assessement that entity's lawer has advised are probable of assertion.
  8. Satisficatory title to asset, liens on assets and assets pledged as collateral 
  9. complience with aspects of contractual agreement that may affect financial statement.





'AICPA 성공 > Auditing' 카테고리의 다른 글

Agreed-upon procedures(AT201)  (0) 2021.11.26

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